Le Comité Central aux côtés de Sant'Egidio

Le 1er février, le Chapelain-président et le Deuxième-Secrétaire ont participé au déjeuner annuel organisé par Sant'Egidio afin de dresser le bilan des mois écoulés et d'annoncer les perspectives ouvertes pour 2023. Les chefs de différents cultes reconnus en Belgique y ont entendu le baron Jan De Volder - Secrétaire-général de Sant'Egidio Bruxelles-Europe- évoquer les couloirs humanitaires ouverts ou sur le point de l'être afin de secourir les victimes des guerres, qu'elles soient originaires d'Afrique, du Proche-Orient ou d'Ukraine. La réception fut encore l'occasion d'évoquer le rôle que peuvent jouer les convictions reconnues dans la promotion d'un dialogue de paix."

Conseil de Dialogue / Dialoograad

On 30 January, the Chaplain-President and the Secretary-General represented the Central Committee at the six-monthly Council of Dialogue between the Federal Government and the Recognised Convictions, held at the Ministry of Justice and chaired by Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, in the presence of Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne. A full agenda of relevant items of national importance was discussed in a collaborative and constructive manner.

Voeux du Nouvel An au Palais

On 31 January, the Chaplain-President was honoured to represent the Anglicans of Belgium at the traditional New Year speeches and lunch given for senior figures in Belgian public life at the Palace, hosted by HM the King. Both King Philippe and Prime Minister De Croo made speeches setting out the aims of the Nation during 2023. The speeches were followed by a convivial lunch.

Holocaust Memorial Day at the European Parliament

On 26 January, the Chaplain-President in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs attended the full morning's commemoration of the Holocaust at the European Parliament, presided by its President, Roberta Metzola. The President of the State of Israel, Isaac Herzog, spoke three times: to the whole Parliament in the chamber; at the unveiling of the permanent memorial to the Holocaust just outside the chamber's main doors; and at a gathering over lunch at which a survivor from the Auschwitz death-camp also spoke. The permanent European Parliament memorial is The Refugee, a remarkable painting by Felix Nussbaum (1904-1944), a German Jewish artist who sought refuge in Belgium in 1935, before being denounced in 1944 by his neighbours and sent to Auschwitz, where he and his family were murdered. Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.

Orthodox Croceu Reception

On 24 January, the Chaplain-President in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs attended the New Year reception held by Croceu (the Council of representatives of the Orthodox Churches to the EU) in the new Orthodox Centre in Brussels. The representatives of the principal Christian Churches to the EU were present, along with several high-ranking EU officials. This reception was in effect a continuation of the Article 17 dialogue earlier in the day, as the religions and laïcité in Europe debate and consider the best ways for them to foster liberal democracy in the EU as well as in the wider world.

Article 17 Dialogue

On 24 January, the Chaplain-President in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs participated in the Article 17 dialogue on liberal democracy held in the European Parliament in Brussels. The Article 17 dialogue is the formal dialogue between the EU and the religious and non-confessional organisations in Europe, which include the Anglican Church. An extremely interesting debate occurred on the origins of the human rights tradition in Europe and on the role of churches, religions and lifestances in promoting liberal democracy in the EU. The Chaplain-President permits himself the remark that, in view of the quality and importance of the debate, it is a tragedy that there is no longer any representation from the UK at such vital meetings.

Church of England Ministry Experience Scheme

The Anglican parishes in Belgium have been involved in the Church of England's Ministry Experience Scheme continuously since 2015: The Ministry Experience Scheme | The Church of England. Our picture shows from left to right the Revd Josh Peckett (formerly MES intern in Brussels, now curate of All Hallows Leeds Who's Who — All Hallows Leeds), the Revd Annie Bolger (formerly MES intern in Leuven, now curate of Holy Trinity Brussels Meet the Team — Holy Trinity Brussels) and Dhr Teus Vermeer (currently MES intern in Holy Trinity Brussels).

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

On Thursday 19 January, the Chaplain-President was honoured to represent the Anglican Church at the annual service for Christian unity organised by the Comité Interecclésial de Bruxelles/Interkerkelijk Comité voor Brussel at a service of solemn vespers held in the Orthodox Cathedral of Archangels Michael and Gabriel Brussels. The service was presided by Metropolitan Athenagoras of Belgium, and Cardinal Jozef De Kesel preached. The Chaplain-President was accompanied by Canons Paul Vrolijk and John Wilkinson of Holy Trinity Brussels (Canon Wilkinson currently chairs the Comité Interecclésial) and the Revd Sunny Hallanan of All Saints' Waterloo. A wonderful gift was made by the Orthodox community to the chefs de culte present during the service: two stones taken from St Catherine's Monastery Sinai, traditionally the place of the Burning Bush (Exodus 3) and the oldest continuously inhabited monastery in the world, containing the oldest continuously used library in the world. Our picture shows Cardinal De Kesel and Metropolitan Athenagoras at the reception after the service.

Living in Love and Faith

As the House of Bishops prepares to submit legislative ideas to the General Synod of the Church of England in February 2023 following the Living in Love and Faith process concerning LGBT+ Anglicans (Living in Love and Faith | The Church of England ), the Chaplain-President has published an article showing how apparent deep doctrinal divisions among Christians are more easily resolved than appearances might suggest.

Solemn opening 'Orthodox Center Ambiorix'

Members of the Central Committee were honoured to be present at the Solemn Opening of the Orthodox Center Ambiorix on 10 January 2023. The beautiful building is intended as a center for dialogue, peace and harmony in the heart of the European Institutions. We wish them well in this endeavour.

Leden van het Centraal Comité waren vereerd om aanwezig te zijn bij de plechtige opening van het Orthodoxe Centrum Ambiorix op 10 januari 2023. De bedoeling van het prachtige gebouw is als centrum voor dialoog, vrede en harmonie in het hart van de Europese instellingen. We wensen hen hierbij veel succes.

Les membres du Comité central ont eu l'honneur d'être présents à l'ouverture solennelle du Centre orthodoxe Ambiorix le 10 janvier 2023. Ce magnifique bâtiment est destiné à devenir un centre de dialogue, de paix et d'harmonie au cœur des institutions européennes. Nous leur souhaitons bonne chance dans cette entreprise.

Death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

The Central Committee offers its condolences to the Roman Catholic Church in Belgium on the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Het Centraal Comité betuigt zijn medeleven aan de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk in België bij het overlijden van emeritus paus Benedictus XVI.

Le Comité central présente ses condoléances à l'Église catholique romaine de Belgique à l'occasion du décès du pape émérite Benoît XVI.

Das Zentralkomitee spricht der römisch-katholischen Kirche in Belgien sein Beileid zum Tod des emeritierten Papstes Benedikt XVI.

“May he rest in peace and rise in glory.”

Le Comité Central aux côtés des travailleuses domestiques sans papiers

Elles sont des dizaines, armées de leurs seules larmes et sourires qui se mélangent dans un marasme d’espoir et de résignation. Sous-payées, abusées, coupées de leurs familles et de la sécurité sociale dont la Belgique s'enorgueillit pourtant.Ces femmes, ce sont celles qui font briller nos maisons et dont l’on moque le nom de “techniciennes de surface”. Ce sont elles qui furent, ce 17 décembre, mises en valeur par le parti Ecolo et leurs partenaires de majorité au sein du Parlement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale. Après un spectacle d’introduction accompagné d’un  chœur polyphonique, des femmes sont venues témoigner et ont ensuite cédé le pas à des chercheurs et autres experts de leurs conditions de vie et de travail.

Emouna et la formation interreligieuse en 2023

Le 13 décembre, le Comité Central s’est rendu, aux côtés d’autres cultes reconnus, à la réunion de clôture de l’année 2022 de l’association interreligieuse Emouna, près de la Grand-Place de Bruxelles. Ce moment convivial n’en fut pas moins constructif puisqu’il s’est agit d’y discuter de l’avenir d’Emouna, tant en Belgique qu’ailleurs en Europe afin de promouvoir le vivre ensemble, la Démocratie et l’intégration des différences spirituelles et culturelles qui nous enrichissent.

National Commemoration of the victims of genocide

On 9 December, the Chaplain-President was honoured to represent the Anglicans of Belgium at the National Commemoration of the victims of genocide, held in the House of Representatives and chaired by the Présidente de la Chambre des Représentants, Mme Eliane Tillieux. A series of speeches, musical interludes and witness-statements reminded the Nation that the world has not been inoculated against genocide by the horror of Auschwitz - far from it: the experiences of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda are close to every Belgian's heart, and the list of genocides gets longer with every decade. This is a spur for prayer, witness and action by the Recognised Religions.

Diocesan Prayer for Ukraine

On 7 December, the Chaplain-President took part in a special Advent prayer-service for Ukraine, organised on Zoom. Bishop Robert preached on his experiences in Kiev last week, accompanying Archbishop Justin to that war-torn city:  Archbishop Justin and Bishop Robert visit Ukraine - Latest News (anglican.org) There will be futher online Advent prayers for Ukraine on 14 and 21 December: the invitation may be found here: Join our weekly Advent prayers online for Ukraine - Latest News (anglican.org)

Les Convictions reconnues en dialogue avec la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Le 06 décembre, une première rencontre a eu lieu entre le Cabinet du Ministre-Président de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Pierre-Yves Jeholet - et les représentants des Convictions reconnues en Belgique. Le Comité Central y était représenté par le Chapelain-Président ainsi que par le Deuxième-Secrétaire. Cet échange fut l’occasion d’évoquer l’actualité politique et de souligner le rôle fondamental joué par les Religions et de la Laïcité au sein du débat démocratique.