Anglican Prison Chaplains team meets in Haren Prison

On 16 March, the entire Anglican Prison Chaplains team gathered in Haren Prison, Brussels, for a day of discussion and meetings. We were delighted to be received by M. Frédéric Dulière, one the directors of the prison, for a question-and-answer session in the morning. M. Jurgen Van Poecke, director-general of the prison, met us during lunch in the prison canteen. Mr Jonathan Mayers, counter-terrorism policy adviser at the British Embassy, joined us for the morning session. The Secretary-General closed the day with a meditation and prayers. Our picture shows the prison chaplaincy team, from left to right: M. Eric Sibomana, Dhr Egbert van Groesen, the Secretary-General, the Revd Charles Kabera, Mr Jonathan Mayers (British Embassy), the Chaplain-President, the Second Secretary, Mrs Grace West.

Sant'Egidio célèbre ses 55 ans

Le dimanche 5 mars, le Deuxième-secrétaire représentait le Chapelain-président à la célébration eucharistique, présidée par Son Eminence le Cardinal Jozef de Kesel en présence de Son Excellence le Nonce apostolique en Belgique, des 55 ans d’existence de Sant’Egidio ( sur le sol belge.

La baronne Hilde Kieboom et le baron Jan De Volder, respectivement fondatrice de la branche belge de l’association caritative italienne et responsable de son implantation bruxelloise, voulurent souligner les succès rencontrés dans l’aide au plus démunis et mettre en lumière la force des solidarités construites avec les différents cultes reconnus en Belgique. Parmi ces derniers, le Comité Central est investi, avec des paroisses anglicanes, dans l’organisation des Couloirs humanitaires qui viennent en aide aux réfugiés qui frappent aujourd’hui au(x) cœur(s) de l’Europe dans l’espoir d’y retrouver le droit d’exister.

Anglican representation to the EU

On 2 March, the Chaplain-President, in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs, met a group of local experts in EU affairs and politics, to share information and insight about recent developments. Migration and refugee policy, the EU Green Deal, and the war in Ukraine are the most significant and pressing European matters which are of concern to the Diocese in Europe and to the Central Committee, and which demand Anglican action and cooperation.

Meeting of European National Councils of Churches at the CEC

From 27 February, the Chaplain-President, in his capacity as President of the Concertation des Eglises chrétiennes en Belgique/Overleg Christelijke Kerken in België, attended the three-day conference of the presidents of national councils of churches held at the CEC in Brussels (CEC ( ). Apart from the great pleasure of meeting in person, the conference agenda was busy, concentrating on the new CEC document Pathways to Peace (an attempt to foster dialogue and peace between Russia and Ukraine), and discussing the Article 17 Dialogue between the European Commission and the major faiths and convictions in Europe: Dr Vincent Depaigne, the civil servant responsible for this Dialogue, was kind enough to speak at the conference.

Colloquium 2023 in de planning door FIDIF/ La FIDIF prépare son Colloque 2023

De secretaris-generaal en 2de secretaris hebben de leden van FIDIF (Federaal Interlevensbeschouwelijke Dialoog/Dialogue Interconvictionnel Féderal) ontvangen bij Holy Trinity, Brussel op 28 februari 2023. Ze plannen dit jaar een nieuwe editie van een interlevensbeschouwelijke colloquium rond het thema 'mensen in nood'. Een vaste datum is nog niet besloten. Dit kan eventueel gevolgd worden op YouTube.

Le Secrétaire-général et le Deuxième-secrétaire ont reçu les membres de la FIDIF (Federal Interfaith Dialogue/Dialogue Interconvictionnel Fédéral) à Holy Trinity, Bruxelles, le 28 février 2023. La réunion avait pour but d’organiser, cette année, une nouvelle édition d'un colloque interconvictionnel sur le thème des " personnes dans le besoin ". La date du jour sera prochainement arrêtée et vous pourrez éventuellement suivre ce colloque sur YouTube.

Bishop of Limerick visits Brussels

On 20 February, the Chaplain-President and the Secretary-General were delighted to welcome the Right Revd Michael Burrows, Anglican Bishop of Limerick, to Brussels (Bishop Michael Burrows talks about his new position in Tuam, Limerick and Killaloe - Church of Ireland - A Member of the Anglican Communion ). After lunch in one of the Central Committee's favourite local Syrian cafés, Bishop Michael visited Bishop Robert's office before being given a tour of Holy Trinity Brussels. Very useful conversations were had about the role of the Church of Ireland in the post-Brexit EU.

Licensing of Eric Sibomana as a lay-reader of the Church of England

On 19 February at Holy Trinity Brussels, M. Eric Sibomana, member of the Central Committee, prison chaplain and coordinator of the Anglican prison chaplains in Belgium, was formally licensed as a lay-reader in the Church of England by the Venerable Sam van Leer, Archdeacon of Benelux. We are overjoyed that Eric's training now gives him a formal pastoral role across the Anglican Church to complement his valued ministries for the Central Committee. Congratulations and blessings! (Readers - Diocese in Europe ( )

Beliedsoverleg minister Somers en erkende levensbeschouwingen

Op 15 februari 2023 hebben de kapelaan-voorzitter en de secretaris-generaal deelgenomen aan een regelmatige vergadering met de andere erkende levenbeschouwingen in Vlaanderen op uitnodiging van Vlaamse minister van Samenleven en Binnenlands Bestuur Bart Somers en zijn kabinet. De minister opende de vergadering met het uitspreken van onze collectieve bezorgdheid voor de slachtoffers van de aardbeving in Turkije en Noord-Syrië en de tragisch één jaar herdenking van het aanvallen van Oekraïne die door Rusland wordt gepleegd. Er was een fijne uitwisseling van ideeën, onder meer over het proces om nieuwe geloofsgemeenschappen te erkennen, professionele training voor bedienaars van de eredienst, en voorbereidingen voor een evaluatie van de erkende levensbeschouwingen. Dit alles vond plaats in de mooie en grote vergaderzaal van het ambtsgebouw van de minister.

Erkende Instanties & Vereniging levensbeschouwelijke vakken in het Vlaamse parlement

Vertegenwoordigers van de erkende instanties en vereniging levensbeschouwelijke (onderwijs) vakken zijn voor het eerst ooit uitgenodigd bij het Vlaamse parlement voor een jaarlijks verslag. De vergadering vond plaats op donderdag 10 februari in Brussel. De voorzitter van EI&V en andere leden gaven prestatie aan verschillende politici van de onderwijs commissie fractie over mogelijke interlevensbeschouwelijk onderwijs in Vlaanderen. De voorzitter van de commissie heeft voor veel vragen en discussie gezorgd en een goeie uitwisseling van ideeën wordt gehad.

Belgian Anglican clergy meet in Tervuren

Anglican clergy from across Belgium gathered on Wednesday 9 February at the Church Centre at St. Paul’s, Tervuren. It is a regular time of prayer and fellowship which took place in person for the first time since 2019 due to Covid. Some the topics which were discussed: youth representation at Archdeaconry Synod in Drongen, Humanitarian Corridors 2023 in Leuven, Suicide Awareness Training, marking the 1 year anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine, special services in the coming months, Anglican youth participation at World Youth Day in Lisbon from 1-6 August 2023.

Emouna à Holy Trinity Brussels

Emouna, c'est l'organisation de formation au leadership interculturel via l'interreligieux qui lie les cultes reconnus en Belgique et à l'échelle européenne. La formation itinère entre les lieux emblématiques des convictions reconnues en Belgique et ce fut le tour de l'Anglicanisme qui ouvrit les portes de la Pro-cathédrale Holy Trinity de Bruxelles ce 8 février 2023. Charles Melebeck et Eric Sibomana, respectivement Deuxième-Secrétaire et membre du Comité Central, ont assuré la bonne marche de cette journée. Après une matinée de conférences de haut niveau portant sur l'art sacré, les étudiants ont eu l'occasion d'une mise en pratique au cours d'une après-midi durant laquelle l'art a servi d'échelle pour franchir les murs culturels pouvant s'ériger entre nos mondes convictionnels respectifs.

CEC Ecumenical Officers' Meeting

On 7 February, the Chaplain-President in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs was one of the speakers at the annual national ecumenical officers' meeting at the CEC headquarters in Brussels CEC (, attended by 36 national ecumenical offers from member churches of the CEC across Europe. Discussion was dominated by the war in Ukraine, and the Chaplain-President's contribution centred on Archbishop William Temple's Thoughts in War-time, written in 1940 but still highly relevant today, as Europe struggles to identify and travel down a viable pathway to peace following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the consequent suffering of millions of people. Dr Charles Reed from Lambeth Palace and Dr Ainsley Griffiths from the Church in Wales were the principal Anglican delegates.

Le Comité Central aux côtés de Sant'Egidio

Le 1er février, le Chapelain-président et le Deuxième-Secrétaire ont participé au déjeuner annuel organisé par Sant'Egidio afin de dresser le bilan des mois écoulés et d'annoncer les perspectives ouvertes pour 2023. Les chefs de différents cultes reconnus en Belgique y ont entendu le baron Jan De Volder - Secrétaire-général de Sant'Egidio Bruxelles-Europe- évoquer les couloirs humanitaires ouverts ou sur le point de l'être afin de secourir les victimes des guerres, qu'elles soient originaires d'Afrique, du Proche-Orient ou d'Ukraine. La réception fut encore l'occasion d'évoquer le rôle que peuvent jouer les convictions reconnues dans la promotion d'un dialogue de paix."

Conseil de Dialogue / Dialoograad

On 30 January, the Chaplain-President and the Secretary-General represented the Central Committee at the six-monthly Council of Dialogue between the Federal Government and the Recognised Convictions, held at the Ministry of Justice and chaired by Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, in the presence of Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne. A full agenda of relevant items of national importance was discussed in a collaborative and constructive manner.

Voeux du Nouvel An au Palais

On 31 January, the Chaplain-President was honoured to represent the Anglicans of Belgium at the traditional New Year speeches and lunch given for senior figures in Belgian public life at the Palace, hosted by HM the King. Both King Philippe and Prime Minister De Croo made speeches setting out the aims of the Nation during 2023. The speeches were followed by a convivial lunch.

Holocaust Memorial Day at the European Parliament

On 26 January, the Chaplain-President in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs attended the full morning's commemoration of the Holocaust at the European Parliament, presided by its President, Roberta Metzola. The President of the State of Israel, Isaac Herzog, spoke three times: to the whole Parliament in the chamber; at the unveiling of the permanent memorial to the Holocaust just outside the chamber's main doors; and at a gathering over lunch at which a survivor from the Auschwitz death-camp also spoke. The permanent European Parliament memorial is The Refugee, a remarkable painting by Felix Nussbaum (1904-1944), a German Jewish artist who sought refuge in Belgium in 1935, before being denounced in 1944 by his neighbours and sent to Auschwitz, where he and his family were murdered. Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.

Orthodox Croceu Reception

On 24 January, the Chaplain-President in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs attended the New Year reception held by Croceu (the Council of representatives of the Orthodox Churches to the EU) in the new Orthodox Centre in Brussels. The representatives of the principal Christian Churches to the EU were present, along with several high-ranking EU officials. This reception was in effect a continuation of the Article 17 dialogue earlier in the day, as the religions and laïcité in Europe debate and consider the best ways for them to foster liberal democracy in the EU as well as in the wider world.

Article 17 Dialogue

On 24 January, the Chaplain-President in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs participated in the Article 17 dialogue on liberal democracy held in the European Parliament in Brussels. The Article 17 dialogue is the formal dialogue between the EU and the religious and non-confessional organisations in Europe, which include the Anglican Church. An extremely interesting debate occurred on the origins of the human rights tradition in Europe and on the role of churches, religions and lifestances in promoting liberal democracy in the EU. The Chaplain-President permits himself the remark that, in view of the quality and importance of the debate, it is a tragedy that there is no longer any representation from the UK at such vital meetings.

Church of England Ministry Experience Scheme

The Anglican parishes in Belgium have been involved in the Church of England's Ministry Experience Scheme continuously since 2015: The Ministry Experience Scheme | The Church of England. Our picture shows from left to right the Revd Josh Peckett (formerly MES intern in Brussels, now curate of All Hallows Leeds Who's Who — All Hallows Leeds), the Revd Annie Bolger (formerly MES intern in Leuven, now curate of Holy Trinity Brussels Meet the Team — Holy Trinity Brussels) and Dhr Teus Vermeer (currently MES intern in Holy Trinity Brussels).

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

On Thursday 19 January, the Chaplain-President was honoured to represent the Anglican Church at the annual service for Christian unity organised by the Comité Interecclésial de Bruxelles/Interkerkelijk Comité voor Brussel at a service of solemn vespers held in the Orthodox Cathedral of Archangels Michael and Gabriel Brussels. The service was presided by Metropolitan Athenagoras of Belgium, and Cardinal Jozef De Kesel preached. The Chaplain-President was accompanied by Canons Paul Vrolijk and John Wilkinson of Holy Trinity Brussels (Canon Wilkinson currently chairs the Comité Interecclésial) and the Revd Sunny Hallanan of All Saints' Waterloo. A wonderful gift was made by the Orthodox community to the chefs de culte present during the service: two stones taken from St Catherine's Monastery Sinai, traditionally the place of the Burning Bush (Exodus 3) and the oldest continuously inhabited monastery in the world, containing the oldest continuously used library in the world. Our picture shows Cardinal De Kesel and Metropolitan Athenagoras at the reception after the service.